Month: June 2014

What To Do For Dry Lips

What To Do For Dry Lips

Dry lips can be a major source of discomfort in your day-to-day life. Whether you’re dealing with cold weather, dehydration, or environmental factors, it can be hard to keep your lips from feeling dry and …
How To Make Black Lips Pink For Men

How To Make Black Lips Pink For Men

Having darker lips can be a source of insecurity for many men. No matter how handsome, fit, and stylish one may be, the darkness of his lips can overshadow his entire look. But fear not; …
Get Rid Of Upper Lip Hair

Get Rid Of Upper Lip Hair

Upper lip hair can be a source of embarrassment and insecurity for many people. For some, it can even affect their self-esteem and lead to feelings of shame. Fortunately, there are a number of ways …
Blue Lips From Lack Of Oxygen

Blue Lips From Lack Of Oxygen

Blue lips are a symptom that can be indicative of many different medical conditions. But when it is caused by a lack of oxygen, the condition can become potentially life-threatening. Characterized by a bluish or …
Does Olive Oil Help Chapped Lips

Does Olive Oil Help Chapped Lips

In the world of beauty and skincare, olive oil has long been seen as a miracle ingredient. Long used to hydrate, nourish, and protect skin from environmental damage, it is now being touted as a …
Why Is Chapstick Bad For Your Lips

Why Is Chapstick Bad For Your Lips

When it comes to lips, chapstick is often the go-to for many people. Its convenience and ease of use make it a popular choice when it comes to lip care. However, there is some debate …
Why Do We Have Lips

Why Do We Have Lips

We all know that lips are a defining feature of the human face. But why do we have lips? Is it simply for protection, to keep food and drink from entering our mouths? Or do …
Is Petroleum Jelly Good For Your Lips

Is Petroleum Jelly Good For Your Lips

For generations, petroleum jelly has been a staple in many households. From being used for minor cuts and scrapes to providing relief for dry lips, it is a versatile product that is widely used. But …
Frostbite Lips Treatment

Frostbite Lips Treatment

Frostbite is a dangerous and potentially life-threatening condition that can occur in extreme cold weather. When exposed to temperatures of minus 15 degrees Celsius or lower, frostbite can cause a person’s skin, tissue, and even …
White Spots Lips

White Spots Lips

The appearance of white spots on the lips can be a distressing sight. It can be a sign of a medical condition or even simply a reaction to a cosmetic product or food. Regardless of …